Monday, September 7, 2015

Although She Loved Her Cowboy... (Marshmallow Teeth)

Although she loved her cowboy, all his campfire s'mores were turning her teeth into marshmallows.

Ah, ha, ha!  I spent a long time on this one with all it's little details.  It was worth it cracks me up even when I look at it! 

Now of course, I have to include something from the king...
Elvis, "Burning Love"


  1. ha ha ha, that song was already in my head.... read this... Oh my.... there is another painting in there. My mom met him, spent part of the evening at a party with him... and everyone else. Also, met his father, who gave her a private tour of Gracland. The back areas that people don't get to see. Of course I have never forgiven her for not taking me along! hahaha

    1. Oh my gosh, Sheila! What a story your mom had to tell! That's incredible!
